Procedure for picking up your Bando from Mackinaw City:

Parents or Guardians (only) may pick up your Bando from Mackinaw City rather then having them ride the motor coaches back to Flat Rock.  To do so, please follow these three steps:

Bandos will only be released to a Parent or Guardian.

Full Band Rehearsal 9:59a - Noon 


Parents and families are encouraged to visit Camp Walden on Friday of camp week.   This is the only day we allow visitors.    

Visitors must be parents and/or families of current Bandos.  No other non-family guests are allowed unless accompanied by a parent of a current Bando.   Bando Alumni are welcome if prior arrangements with Mr. Engelbert have been made and approved.

When you arrive, go to the center of camp and turn right (see photo below).  This will take you to our practice field where you may park your vehicle along the tree line to the left.   Do not drive into the cabin area for any reason.

You may be on site anytime throughout the day after 9:00am and follow our itinerary.   We cannot guarantee that you will be able to dine with us for lunch and/or dinner.  Please do not plan on that.  

That evening, the band will premiere the field show at 7:00pm.  After that, we have our annual cabin skit night and bonfire. 

Overnight accommodations may be secured at nearby motels or at local campgrounds.  No overnight stay is allowed at the Camp.


Band Camp Itinerary




camp itinerary cabin version.pdf

Band Camp Contract (Sample)

Band Camp 2024 Contract Sample with Watermark.pdf

High School Band Guidebook 

(Band Camp specific information begins on page 11.)

Flat Rock Band Guidebook.pdf