Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Flat Rock Band
Flat Rock Band
P.O. Box 291
P.O. Box 291
Flat Rock, MI 48134
Flat Rock, MI 48134
Please be advised that Mr. Engelbert rarely checks email outside of school hours.
A reply to your message may not come until the next school day.
Please refer to the following list to contact the correct person:
President: Jerry Kondraciuk
President: Jerry Kondraciuk
Uniforms: Deborah Hill
Uniforms: Deborah Hill
Fundraising: Sarah Bayus
Fundraising: Sarah Bayus
Treasurer: Vicki Smouthers
Treasurer: Vicki Smouthers
Secretary: Michelle Harkins
Secretary: Michelle Harkins
Flat Rock Speedway: Sarah Nanassy
Flat Rock Speedway: Sarah Nanassy